Product Updates

Quiltt Product Updates - May 2024

Zane Pickett
June 3, 2024

Welcome to the Quiltt product updates for May 2024, showcasing our recent advancements toward lowering technical barriers for individuals and teams building in financial services. Explore what’s new and how we're improving Quiltt, one update at a time.


Automatic Webhook Subscription Disabling

Webhook subscriptions will now be automatically disabled after failing to take delivery for 2 weeks. They can be reenabled in the dashboard. Should the next delivery of the subscription fail again, they will immediately be disabled again. Please ensure that your endpoint is accepted webhooks with a 2XX status code.

[Beta] Add Support for Akoya

Akoya is now available as a data provider. Contact us if your interested in adding this data source to your Connectors.

query {
  connection(id: "conn_...") {
    remoteData {
      akoya {
        connection {
          response {
  account(id: "acct_...") {
    remoteData {
      akoya {
        account {
          response {
            depositAccount {
  transaction(id: "txn_...") {
    remoteData {
      akoya {
        transaction {
          response {
            depositTransaction {


  • Remove Spade from GraphQL
  • Removed ability to filter by the contents of Remote Data in GraphQL
    • This was not a commonly used feature, since most filtering happens on primary data, which is both faster and better supported. Due to issues with the design of this API, removing this for now will allow us to speed up our ability to add new providers.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Sidebar navigation on certain non-environment-specific pages
  • Fixed missing validation errors with certain invalid Connector configurations
  • Fixed lag with Profile search in the Dashboard
  • Fixed broken link pointing to Core Concepts guide
  • Fix rare case of 500 error happening during closing of a connector
  • Added missing Connection provider to Connection webhooks
  • Improve deduplication logic with America First Credit Union
  • Fix issue with verified accounts with unexpected types not returning account numbers

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