Product Updates

Quiltt Product Updates - March 2024

Zane Pickett
April 1, 2024

Welcome to the Quiltt product updates for March 2024, showcasing our recent advancements toward lowering technical barriers for individuals and teams building in financial services. Explore what’s new and how we're improving Quiltt, one update at a time.


Prefill Institution Search

You can now pass in the name of the Institution that you're looking to connect into the connector API, prefill search and quickly load the desired Institution. See the HTML and React documentation for more information. This works across all implementations of our Connector API.

Filter records by custom metadata

You can now filter Connections, Accounts and Transactions by their custom metadata values.

The Custom Metadata feature allows you to persist any kind of JSON-compatible custom data such as internal IDs, feature flags or nicknames to records in Quiltt. With the new metadata filter, you can now filter records by any metadata key/value pair.

Allow deleting profiles in dashboard

Added a "Delete" button in profiles table

New Dashboard Home page

The Dashboard home page has a new look:

  • Launch the GraphQL Explorer for one your profiles, straight from the home page.
  • See your Enabled Integrations in one place.
  • Enjoy a streamlined UI that's cleaner and easier to navigate.

Upgrade API Versions in the Dashboard

You can now upgrade API Keys to the latest API Version without having to contact Quiltt Support.

Multitenancy Support in Hub App

The Hub App has been revamped to support multitenancy. This allows the application to fetch and display data based on the accessed subdomain.



  • Upgrade Institution search UX to improve how Institutions with multiple available products are displayed
  • Improve Institutions results search ranking
  • Improve responsiveness of the search screens
  • Improve Sandbox Institutions List
  • Added developer-facing error when Connector authentication fails


  • Move "What's New" Button to sidebar
  • Remove "Navbar" to free up more space in layout for actual content
  • Improve warnings on destructive actions in the Dashboard
  • Added the current API Version to the GraphQL Explorer
  • Improved dashboard styling, navigation and performance
  • New redirect mechanism for navigation across organizations and environments


  • Add link to Docs in sidebar
  • Improve mobile OAuth set up instructions
  • Improve Webhooks documentation and code examples
  • Add ability to pass in Disconnected Connections to the Connect widget for Reconnection
  • Add optional search terms to prefill institution in Android SDK example


  • Add Ratelimits to Balance Refresh Endpoint
  • Failed webhook deliveries will now be tried up to 20 times
  • Add Connection provider to REST API and webhooks

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Sidenav collapse button in Dashboard
  • Fixed issue where authentication in connector would sometimes flash that the token was invalid
  • Fixed bug with navigation menu dropdown placement
  • Fix issue with sandbox testing Institutions showing up on Institutions Search Landing Page
  • Remove sonner to fix CSP errors
  • Fixed issue where OAuth Redirect URLs that were URI encoded did not work
  • Fixed server-side pagination where profiles query was limited to 25 records
  • Fixed balance syncing for some MX institutions
  • Fixed profile limit calculations to ensure accuracy.
  • Fixed malformed navigation links on certain pages in Dashboard
  • Mitigate Mx Search Errors
  • Fix Docs navigation on mobile
  • Fixed jumpiness searching and filtering for Profiles in the Dashboard
  • Fixed UI bug with profile deletion

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