Product Updates

Quiltt Product Updates - January 2024

Zane Pickett
February 1, 2024

Welcome to the Quiltt product updates for January 2024, showcasing our recent advancements toward lowering technical barriers for individuals and teams building in financial services. Explore what’s new and how we're improving Quiltt, one update at a time.


New Static Institution logo URLS

Quiltt now exposes static URLs for Institution logos, making them safer for storage and caching.

  • Before: [.highlight]…/eyJ…3ca/logo.png[.highlight]
  • After: [.highlight][.highlight]

Remote Data in GraphQL

Remote Data in GraphQL is now generally available. This allows you to access raw data from providers such as MX, Plaid or Fingoal in GraphQL, in addition to the Platform server-to-server API. See the Remote Data guide for more information and examples.

New Enrichment Data

We’ve added two new transaction enrichment data sets:

  • FinGoal 
  • MX 

Processor Tokens

You can now request Processor Tokens to authorize 3rd parties to access data on a connected account. Check out the Processor Tokens documentation here.

Android SDK

Simplified OAuth Redirects

We’ve improved how OAuth redirects are handled with our aggregation partners. Rather than getting out of sync with upstream, we have wrapped the redirect by providing a universal [.highlight]https://*[.highlight] that is registered with Plaid/MX, which then will redirect to your application/connector of choice.


  • Breaking AccountBalance GraphQL type has been renamed to Balance
  • Upgraded [.highlight]/ach[.highlight] endpoint for newer Account Numbers endpoint: [.highlight]/ach_numbers[.highlight]
  • The GraphQL Explorer in Quiltt Hub and Dashboard now supports subscriptions
  • It's now much simpler to subscribe to a group of event types
  • Published Accounts Guide
  • Fixed issue with Profile Remote Data erroring when no providers are enabled
  • [.highlight]Transaction.logos[.highlight] now returns Pave logos
  • Missing logos now always return null instead of an object missing url
  • Improve examples in GraphQL's Account type
  • Added the ability to simulate a hosted Reconnect flow
  • Dashboard Connector management page now shows Enroll fields required by integrations
  • Improve error handling when Processor is not enabled for Processor Token Creation
  • Webhook subscriptions now must have at least one event type
  • Update Metadata guide with request examples
  • Add GraphQL Explorer link to the Dashboard Profile page and improve layout
  • Improve documentation of Account filters in GraphQL
  • Improve documentation on Connection features
  • Update Remote Data guide with GraphQL examples
  • iOS SDK - Support down to iOS13 by @aqeel371, thanks @aqeel371!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed validation errors when creating or updating Webhook Subscriptions in Dashboard
  • Fixed Connectors erroneously showing Enroll in Connector workflows
  • Fixed issue causing some MX connections to be slower then intended when syncing
  • Fixed issue with [.highlight]currencyCode[.highlight] attribute on merchants
  • Fixed flickering in the Dashboard during page navigation
  • Fixed [.highlight]connectionId[.highlight] format in Account Webhooks
  • Fixed bugs with MX error handling

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